[TIOJ] 2027. 腳步鬆散

$\text{lch}:\mathbb{T}\rightarrow\mathbb{T}, \text{lch}(x)=\text{left child of }x$
$\text{rch}:\mathbb{T}\rightarrow\mathbb{T}, \text{rch}(x)=\text{right child of }x$
$\text{sz}:\mathbb{T}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}\cup\{0\}, \text{sz}(x)=\text{size of }x$
$\text{w}:\mathbb{T}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}\cup\{0\}, \text{w}(x)=\min(\text{sz}(\text{lch}(x)), \text{sz}(\text{rch}(x)))$
那首先有個引理:對於任意二元樹$T$都有$\displaystyle\sum_{u \in T}\text{w}(u) = \mathcal{O}(\text{sz}(T) \log \text{sz}(T))$,證明的部分就留給讀者好了(X)
白話文講一點就是如果有一個$N$個節點的二元樹,而我們對於他每個節點作的演算法都只跟那個節點小的子樹的大小有關的話,複雜度就會是$\mathcal{O}(N \log N \cdot \text{單一操作的複雜度} )$。
回到這題,可以發現如果一個區間$[L, R]$的最大值是$a_i$若且唯若$L \in [j, i]$(其中$j$是使得$j < i \land a_j > a_i$發生的最大的$j$)跟$R \in [i, j]$(其中$j$是使得$i < j \land a_j > a_i$發生的最小的$j$),而若是我們把這種性質拿去建成一棵二元樹(也就是讓可能的編號$L$都在$i$的左子樹,可能的編號$R$都在$i$的右子樹)的話我們就會拿到笛卡爾樹
有了笛卡爾樹後,我們還需要一個支援插入、刪除、統計有多少$X$在$\oplus M$後大於$K$的資料結構(我選擇Trie),接著就可以考慮某種類似分治的作法:
  1. 計算小子樹裡面符合條件的數對
  2. 把小子樹的值都從Trie裡拔掉
  3. 計算大子樹裡面符合條件的數對
  4. 利用Trie對每個小子樹的值查詢有幾個大子樹的值會讓他們一起成為符合條件的數對
  5. 將小子樹的值都插到Trie裡
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 300000 + 5;
using Data = uint32_t;
using llu = uint64_t;

class Trie{
		uint32_t LOG_N, root;
		static constexpr uint32_t MEM = 7200000;
		struct node{
			uint32_t sub[ 2 ];
			uint32_t tot;
			node() : tot( 0 ) {
				sub[ 0 ] = sub[ 1 ] = 0;
		} nodes[ MEM ];
		uint32_t mem_;
		inline uint32_t new_node() {
			nodes[ mem_ ] = node();
			return mem_++;
		uint32_t insert( uint32_t t, uint32_t x, uint32_t d ) {
			if ( not t ) t = new_node();
			nodes[ t ].tot++; 
			if ( not d -- ) return t;
			nodes[ t ].sub[ ( x >> d ) & 1 ] = insert( nodes[ t ].sub[ ( x >> d ) & 1 ], x, d );
			return t;
		void erase( uint32_t t, uint32_t x, uint32_t d ) {
			nodes[ t ].tot--; 
			if ( not d -- ) return;
			erase( nodes[ t ].sub[ ( x >> d ) & 1 ], x, d );
		uint32_t count( uint32_t t, uint32_t m, uint32_t d, uint32_t x ) {
			if ( not d -- or not t ) return nodes[ t ].tot;
			uint32_t lc = 0, rc = 1;
			if ( ( m >> d ) & 1 ) lc = 1, rc = 0;
			uint32_t s = nodes[ nodes[ t ].sub[ rc ] ].tot, nxt = lc;
			if ( ( x >> d ) & 1 ) s = 0, nxt = rc;
			return s + count( nodes[ t ].sub[ nxt ], m, d, x );
		void init( uint32_t LOG_N_ ) {
			LOG_N = LOG_N_;
			mem_ = 0;
			root = new_node();
		void insert( uint32_t x ) {
			root = insert( root, x, LOG_N );
		void erase( uint32_t x ) {
			erase( root, x, LOG_N );
		uint32_t count( uint32_t x, uint32_t m ) {
			return count( root, m, LOG_N, x );
} trie;

Data sub[ N ][ 2 ];
Data a[ N ], stk[ N ], stk_;

llu solve( Data, Data, Data );

int main() {
	ios_base::sync_with_stdio( false );
	cin.tie( nullptr );

	trie.init( 24 );
	int n; cin >> n;
	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i )
		cin >> a[ i ];
	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i ) {
		Data la = 0;
		for ( ; stk_ and a[ stk[ stk_ - 1 ] ] < a[ i ] ; la = stk[ -- stk_ ] );
		if ( stk_ ) {
			sub[ i ][ 0 ] = sub[ stk[ stk_ - 1 ] ][ 1 ];
			sub[ stk[ stk_ - 1 ] ][ 1 ] = i;
		} else sub[ i ][ 0 ] = la;
		stk[ stk_ ++ ] = i;
	Data dlt = 0;
	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i )
		dlt += ( not a[ i ] );
	cout << solve( stk[ 0 ], 1, n ) - dlt << '\n';
	return 0;

llu solve( Data idx, Data L, Data R ) {
	if ( not idx ) return 0;
	llu ret = 0;
	if ( idx - L < R - idx ) {
		ret += solve( sub[ idx ][ 0 ], L, idx - 1 );
		for ( Data i = L ; i < idx ; ++ i )
			trie.erase( a[ i ] );
		ret += solve( sub[ idx ][ 1 ], idx + 1, R );

		trie.insert( a[ idx ] );
		for ( Data i = L ; i <= idx ; ++ i )
			ret += trie.count( a[ idx ], a[ i ] );
		for ( Data i = L ; i < idx ; ++ i )
			trie.insert( a[ i ] );
	} else {
		ret += solve( sub[ idx ][ 1 ], idx + 1, R );
		for ( Data i = idx + 1 ; i <= R ; ++ i )
			trie.erase( a[ i ] );
		ret += solve( sub[ idx ][ 0 ], L, idx - 1 );

		trie.insert( a[ idx ] );
		for ( Data i = idx ; i <= R ; ++ i )
			ret += trie.count( a[ idx ], a[ i ] );
		for ( Data i = idx + 1 ; i <= R ; ++ i )
			trie.insert( a[ i ] );
	return ret;

  1. 計算左半邊的答案
  2. 計算右半邊的答案
  3. 統計跨過中心的做法



[TIOJ] 1094. C.幼稚國王的獎賞

[IOJ] 19. 啦啦啦

[IOJ] 14. 費氏數列問題